Instagram is an amazing platform for creative individuals to build their brands, find new opportunities, and connect with like-minded people. As an industry insider and former digital marketer, I frequently consult with influencers on how to best leverage social media. After all, there are over 1 billion users on Instagram! It’s no wonder that brands and creatives continue to flock to this platform. As creators grow their following and experience more success, they also face a new set of challenges. An influencer’s content on every social platform will eventually begin to feel repetitive. The life of a creative individual can be ephemeral – one minute you have time and energy to film, edit, and post regular content; the next you might have neither the time nor motivation. When that happens and your inspiration dries up temporarily (or forever), it’s time to start archiving your reels. Below are my top four tips on how beginners can archive reels on Instagram so you never lose those old videos again!
How To Archive Reels On Instagram
Archive your old videos on Instagram Stories
First, download the Instagram video app for your phone and start filming! The next time you have a few minutes to film a new video, start by archiving your old ones. You can do this by adding a reminder to the end of each post. This will help you remember to archive them in the future. The app will then prompt you when it thinks it is time to archive that video. It will also remind you when it’s time to post another video!
Archive on Periscope and YouTube
Periscope and YouTube also offer an archive feature that can be linked with Instagram stories so that you don’t lose any missed content! Periscope has an archiving feature that lets users save their broadcasts after they’ve ended. To do this, they must click on their profile name in the top right-hand corner of their broadcast and select “Save Broadcast”. YouTube also has an archiving feature that lets users save videos as long as they’ve been watched at least once. To do this, go into your channel settings (click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner) and go to “Settings” > “Advanced Settings” > “Video Archiving”. From there, select how often you want your videos archived and how many days those videos should be saved for before being deleted from your channel history (recommended: 3 days).
Archive reels on YouTube or Facebook Live Video pages
Facebook Live is an amazing platform for live-streaming content to a wider audience. It allows you to engage with your audience on a personal level and is a great way to connect with new people. When archiving videos on Facebook Live, you can use the “Save Broadcast” feature to archive reels and save them in the same way as Instagram Stories.
Archive reels on your blog post and website
To archive content from your blog posts or website, there are two options: use the “Save” button in WordPress or use the “Submit” button in Blogger. The advantage of using WordPress is that it automatically archives your posts for you! To do this, go into your WordPress dashboard (the icon looks like a blue-box) > Settings > Media > Video > Save as video/audio by default. This will ensure that all of your posts are saved automatically so that you don’t lose any missed content! To do this in Blogger, simply click on “Upload” at the bottom of the screen and select “Add to Your Blog”. You can then go back and edit this post afterward if you wish! If you have any questions about archiving reel videos on Instagram.
Why You Should Archive Your Reels Now
- It’s important to archive your reels now so that you can save the footage for future promotional purposes. Some people have their content saved for up to a year, but if you’re using Instagram Stories, it’s recommended that you archive your reels as soon as possible!
- You should also use archiving reels on Instagram Stories because it will allow you to engage with your audience on a personal level and is a great way to connect with new people.
- Archiving reels on Facebook Live will also allow you to engage with your audience on a personal level and is a great way to connect with new people.
- If you’re wanting to promote an event or sale, archiving reels of your best content will make it easy for potential customers to find!
- You should also archive your content now before they disappear from the internet forever! Do not forget that once these videos are archived, they cannot be recovered! You will have to recreate the content from scratch.
- Archiving reels on your blog post or website will allow you to share your best content with the world via social media, and it’s a great way to engage with your audience on a personal level and is a great way to connect with new people.
- Sharing archived reels of your best content on Facebook Live will also allow you to engage with your audience on a personal level and is a great way to connect with new people.
How To Increase Like On Reels?
- Make sure your reels are at least 1 minute long.
- Do not include any text in your reels.
- Include a call to action in your reels! For example, say “click here to subscribe” at the end of the video or “enter to win a prize” at the end of the video.
- Use the call to action when you start recording and again when you’re done recording!
- Try using time-lapse or motion graphics in your reels!
- Add captions with relevant keywords in them (relevance will depend on what you’re promoting). For example, use keywords such as “follow me for more videos”, “enter my giveaway”, etc, instead of just saying “this is my video”. This will increase engagement with your content and will also help search engines crawl your page more easily and quickly!
- Try using a call to action in the first few seconds of your reels, such as “click here for more videos” or “enter to win a prize”. This will increase engagement with your content and will also help search engines crawl your page more easily!
- Don’t forget that you can add call-to-action buttons on your reels too!
- You can also use a call-to-action button in the description of your reels! If you are using Instagram Stories, make sure you archive the story before it disappears from the internet forever!
- Make sure that all of the links on your reels are clickable so that people can easily find out where they can find out more about what you’re promoting. For example, if you’re promoting an event or sale, include links to the event’s website and social media pages in your reels so that people can easily find out where they can buy tickets for the event!
Instagram is an ever-evolving platform, and with it comes constant change. With ever-changing algorithms and the constant addition of new features, keeping your feed fresh and exciting is a challenge. When your creativity has run dry but you still want to keep your followers engaged, it can be helpful to look back at your archived posts. You can also share your archived posts in a different context to keep them fresh and engaging. Archiving your reels will not only save your content but can also help you stay creative and engaged with your followers. So why not start archiving your reels today?
Q: How do I archive my Instagram reels?
A: You can simply click on the “Archive” button on the top right corner of your reels, then you can select the post you want to archive and click “Save”.
Q: Why should I archive my Instagram reels?
A: Having a well-curated feed will help your followers stay engaged with your content. Curating means that you are choosing which posts are going to go into your reels and which ones aren’t. It will also help search engines to crawl your page more easily and quickly.
Q: When I archive my reels, how long will they be saved?
A: A re-archived post will be saved for a maximum of 90 days. After 90 days, the post will be deleted from your page.
Q: Can I archive my Instagram reels on my computer?
A: Yes! You can simply save your posts to your computer using the “Save” button on top right corner of each post. You can then upload them to your Instagram account or a different one of yours.